Refreshingly satisfying! Fresh lemon, mango, and kiwi are fused with fluffy cool cream cheese, all sitting atop a yummy salty sweet pretzel,...
Refreshingly satisfying! Fresh lemon, mango, and kiwi are fused with fluffy cool cream cheese, all sitting atop a yummy salty sweet pretzel,...
My grandmother made this salad every Thanksgiving. It is delicious even without its creamy topping. This side dish is so yummy, I sometimes make it even...
My grandmother made this salad every Thanksgiving. It is delicious even without its creamy topping. This side dish is so yummy, I sometimes make it even...
My aunt gave me this recipe ten years ago, when we were celebrating Christmas at her house. I have made it every year since then, and now my family considers...
Refreshingly satisfying! Fresh lemon, mango, and kiwi are fused with fluffy cool cream cheese, all sitting atop a yummy salty sweet pretzel,...
Very fun for a party! I used Knox® Gelatin and a bit of blue JELL-O® because I wanted the 'water' to appear very clear. But blue or green JELL-O® would...
This sparkling salad is creamy and slightly tart. Nuts and celery add texture. Not only do adults love it, so do the kids! Cut the finished salad into...
My college roommate took me home to her farm for a weekend visit back in 1962. This is a salad we had for dinner one night while I was there. It's been...
A hit with kids and those young at heart. My childhood neighbor made it our block party and now, even though I have moved far away, I still make it with...
My college roommate took me home to her farm for a weekend visit back in 1962. This is a salad we had for dinner one night while I was there. It's been...
My college roommate took me home to her farm for a weekend visit back in 1962. This is a salad we had for dinner one night while I was there. It's been...
This sparkling lime gelatin salad is embedded with luscious bits of pineapple, cherries, grapes and pears, and takes only minutes to prepare! Allow several...
Individual gelatin salads in mini trifle dishes. The bottom layer is lime and lemon jello mixed with bananas; top layer is strawberry jello with sour cherries...
You can use any tea and any fruit zest, lemon would taste great. You can use banana instead of orange or whatever fruit you like or none at all for a smoother...
This is an awesome cranberry salad, easy to make and even easier to eat! My mother in law is an amazing cook and at Christmas or Thanksgiving the family...
The name does not accurately describe this dessert but since it has been a family favorite for so many years I am loathe to change it. This is a light,...